Kitchen Remodeling and Renovated Wisely

Posted by Home Design

Kitchen Remodeling and Renovated Wisely - We show you two different environments with good ideas to take advantage of the space to the fullest and in two styles. Choose!

With peninsula that borders two areas

◗ a peninsula Center organizes space separates two areas, work and mini-dining-room and increases the ability to store to contain spacious drawers. And it also includes the cooking plate.
◗ The white of the furniture expands and gives brightness. The countertop Mont Blanc of Silestone, also chosen in that tone, extends to protect some parts of the wall. In others, a vinyl paper gives a modern touch.
◗ To lighten furniture combine layered white and showcases with sliding glass doors. Ovens, a removable steward, the fridge and freezer are a great mueble-columna.

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Everything to hand.

A steward with removable trays in the interior of the peninsula, next to the plate, allows about spices and seasonings when cooking.

Kitchens Renovated - kithchen decorating - kitchen remodeling

Cooking zone.

This was installed in the peninsula. A powerful campaign, Pando, installed in the ceiling extract fumes.

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With a rustic

◗ Made custom furniture work, this kitchen bets for a rustic style with a retro feel. The furniture has been painted green with white lacquered wooden doors. Stained pine floors and ceiling beams accentuate the style.
◗ The distribution l-shaped leaves the area of cooking on the short wall and the waters in the long wing. Wall retro type faucet frees up space on the countertop.
◗ The countertop combines wood and white tiles, the same walls; a mix that reminds the kitchens of the past century.

Kitchens Renovated - kithchen decorating - kitchen remodeling

Open shelving.

For no reload, the walls were left free lockers. Only a shelving without doors or rear, glazed settled in white, ideal for storing dishes, spices, glassware...

Kitchens Renovated - kithchen decorating - kitchen remodeling

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